Green Mountain Regulators - Yahoo!
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A SASS affiliated cowboy action shooting club, located in central Texas (just Northwest of Austin) near Marble Falls - featuring monthly pistol, rifle and shotgun competitions as well as long range rife competitions. Cowboy Action Shooting at it's best.
Cowboy Action Shooting is a way for men, women and children to relax, compete, or just relive their childhood days of playing cowboy. Contestants shoot at several stages that represent Old West Scenarios like a jail, a mercantile, a livery stable and a saloon. They use firearms similar to those used in the Old West prior to 1888, engaging a wide variety of steel targets. It’s as if each shooter is the star of his or her own western movie.
Welcome to Green Mountain Regulators
Founded September 20, 2006
We are a SASS affiliated club located north west of Austin, TX. We are located at 14230 S. FM 1174, Marble Falls, TX 78654. We are east of Marble Falls off of FM 1174 in Burnet County.
(For Google Map, click here)
GPS: 30.58412567320916, -98.11274886131286